We have been invited to support an ad hoc group of industry bodies collaborating on the preparation of a model real estate industry response to the UK’s Discussion Paper 23/2: Updating and improving the UK regime for asset management. The group plans to formulate a model response by the end of April for individual trade bodies to use in their own responses. The FCA’s response deadline is 22 May.

The easy way we can do this is by simply lending our support to what the rest of the group (folks like AREF, INREV, BPF, IPF) come up with from the perspective of real estate funds. That’s what we’re proposing to do as things stand. However, if appropriate, it would be more interesting to coordinate and feed in views specifically from the world of debt funds world. If you or a colleague is focusing on this from that perspective, or would like to learn more, please let Peter know.

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